Thursday, November 26, 2020


Our unit's 40 by 24 by 40 engine recorded a minute Video CD disc image in 1: Creating label art was cumbersome with the unwieldy first-generation LightScribe utility that comes bundled with the BenQ drive. As impressive and exciting LightScribe was upon its introduction, the technology was not entirely the first of its kind to set in motion the idea of etching personalized labels onto burnt discs. Firing up our DW evaluation unit revealed that despite its strengths, LightScribe isn't perfect. Furthermore, alignment problems that occur during pasting and printing would also be eliminated. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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Leave this field blank. They also tend to unbalance discs at lightscrive playback speeds, which makes them problematic for some CDs and unusable for DVDs. Transfer Rate Reading Tests 3. As with all new breakthroughs of optical storage, speedy mass acceptance is directly influenced by media availability and this was to be a major hiccup to the rise of HP's LightScribe technology.

We also received a small presentation of LightScribe technology.

BenQ DW1625 LightScribe

Developed and patented by Hewlett-Packard HPthis innovative approach to disc inscribing first made its debut appearance sometime back in We received the beige colored drive.

LightScribe labels will fade with time.

For reference reasons, we post the following pictures. You may use these tags: What code is in the image?

The drive uses the well known RPC II region control, allowing the user to change the drive's region at most 5 times. CD performance was outstanding. It's not hard to fill a DVD or CD with flawless digital copies of data, music, and video files, but it's not nearly as easy to create a picture-perfect label for that same disc. More information about text formats.

Firing up our DW evaluation unit revealed that despite its strengths, LightScribe isn't perfect.

BenQ DW Internal DVD Writer with LightScribe (Page 1/14) :: Articles :: ®

The idea behind this technology is simple yet brilliant. As impressive and exciting LightScribe was upon its introduction, the technology was not entirely the first of its kind to set in motion the idea of etching personalized labels onto burnt discs. Lines and paragraphs break automatically.

The BenQ DW is the first rewriter we've seen that features HP's LightScribe disc-labeling technology, which uses the drive's CD bebq to etch the surface of specially prepared media.

For comparison reasons, we will be reviewing the DW loghtscribe two other similar in specs drives, the Waitec Action 16 and the LG B. Theoretically at least, laser labeling seemed destined to be an instant hit with homeowners and small media production houses.

BenQ DW LightScribe - Review - PCMag Australia

Adhesive ink jet labels have long been popular for CDs, but they're cumbersome to print and affix. Galaxy S10, 5G, Folding Phones. BenQ's Tilt Control always keeps the writing angle at 90 degrees to the disc's surface to ensure uniform writing. By using these features, the DW is able to maintain perfect control over both the laser beam angle and the power rate being projected onto the disc, ensuring every bit of your data is written at the best possible quality.

Introduction In the midst of our enduring pursuit for ever-larger storage capacity, the calm optical storage scene bsnq been given a jolt by recent announcements of a new labeling technology called LightScribe. Burning a label was as simple as inserting a disc into the drive venq, to expose the coated surface to the drive's CD laser.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Twitter's Ad Sales Surge. Of all the probable explanations, the most compelling one would have to be the lethargic pace of adoption by media manufacturers. Both methods use laser instead of ink, are practically free of alignment issues and have no known adverse effects on the spin characteristic of media that could result from peeling - a recognized wear and tear weakness of adhesive labels.

BenQ DW1625

Samsung Releases New Flash Laptop. Excellent Nero software bundle. About Privacy Contact Us. One of the first drives to incorporate LightScribe disc-labeling technology.

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